I listened to a part of an interview with Senator Christopher Dodd last night. He was talking about the fact that in spite of receiving bailout money, the banks aren't lending. He said that it was all because of mismanagement and lack of oversight on the part of the Bush Administration.
Lest we forget, the legislation calling for the bailout money and the application thereof was written by Congress, and from what I can see of the situation, there was as much oversight as was called for in the legislation.
I have a pretty good feeling, Mr. Dodd, that had there been any kind of oversight mandated by the legislation that called for the bailout, that's what would have happened.
I hope Dodd and his friends are enjoying this final week of the Bush Presidency as next Tuesday, there will be an entirely different climate for them.
For the past few years, there has been an easy mantra. Pass whatever legislation you can and if it goes wrong, blame Bush. The media bought the idea that everything was Bush's fault, so the Democrats had plenty of backup.
Now, to apply a slight change to a phrase that Nixon used, "You won't have George W. Bush to kick around any more."
Come Tuesday, the blame game is over. If things don't go right, Mr. Dodd et. al., you have nobody to blame but yourselves. You have control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency.
The Republicans had that same situation a few years back and it didn't work out so well for them. Now, it's the Democrats' turn. They have two years to make this work, or we'll see a very red congress; and if it doesn't, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves.
Given the past success record of this 9 percent approval Congress, my guess is that they'll be facing problems fairly soon, and they won't be able to point at Obama and blame him.
I figure that there will be a certain amount of blame Bush that will carry over, but that won't last forever, and I don't think the media will put up with saying it was Obama's fault. So Dodd and his friends should enjoy the next few days of their whipping boy, because it's going to get tough from here.
Great Horny Toads! Webber Keeps His Job?
16 years ago
1 comment:
I'm angry and I've had enough. I hear these jackasses like Bono, Jamie Fox, and Tom Hanks speaking in public and doing PSAs telling Americans how excited we should be. Change is coming. Obama is everybody's president. It doesn't matter who you voted for in November. We need to all stand together.
My wife's going to need to talk me off the ledge again.
We're all in this together! Obama is everybody's president! You gotta be f-ing kidding me. Where were you Hollywood-fairy-tale-no-reality-having-tree-hugging-overpaid-starbucks-drinking-foo-foos the last 8 years? "I'm going to move to Canada." "George Bush is an idiot." "No blood for oil." Everybody knows damn well if McCain and Palin were heading to the White House today, we wouldn't hear a peep from Stevie Wonder or the Boss.
I am an American, so that makes Barack Obama my president, just like George Bush was the Dixie Chicks president for the last 8 years. I'll support him when I believe he's doing right, but I'll also have to call him out when I believe he's heading us in the wrong direction.
"We're all in this together." God you people piss me off.
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