Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The last last

Today is the day that Barack Obama will step into history as the first black President of the United States. It is also the day that President Bush will complete his tour of lasts and step out of the White House. I know that I have not agreed with everything that President Bush has done, but I do believe that he is an honorable man who had the country's best interest at heart. I would have to agree with what he said over the past week, that there have been mistakes. Certainly more attention could have been paid to the economy. Certainly this whole bailout thing could have been handled better. I believe he made the right decision to go to war, but it could have been prosecuted better. Having said that, I have to thank Mr. Bush for his good work on keeping us safe. After 9/11, I like many other people, was sure that there would be more attacks inside the U.S. Yet, in spite of that, we have had none since that day. For that alone, I say, Mr. President, on this last day of your administration, I thank you and I salute you. Job well done, sir.

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