I keep getting this feeling today that I'm angry. I don't want to be angry, but I keep feeling that way.
We live in the greatest country on earth. This is a great day. It's absolutely fabulous that every four years we install a new leader without a coup. It's absolutely fabulous that Barack Obama has managed to rise to the point of moving into the White House - a building built by slaves. For this reason, I don't want to be angry today, but somehow I feel that way.
I feel angry because today former President Bush was booed when he arrived at the inauguration. He was booed when he left Washington and people were chanting, "Na na na na hey hey hey goodbye."
I'm angry because I'm told that Obama is our President, that he's everyone's President and that I should give him a chance and that his election would change things. Yet, here we are with the same vitriol coming from the same people who were chanting, "Not my President," some eight years ago. The same people who called Bush a Nazi. The same people who called him a crook.
I'm angry because the same people who vowed never to give Bush the first chance are telling me that I need to give Obama a chance.
I'm angry because I have to be the bigger person. I have to be the adult. I'm angry because I can't be the guy who says, "He's not my President."
It just makes me wonder what the last eight years would have been like if back then, those people would have been the people that they say the conservatives need to be now.
And the thing is, I'm going to be the bigger person. I'm going to give this guy a chance. I'm going to wait and see what he does. I want him to be successful because I want my country to succeed. In short, I'm going to be the grownup. I'm going to stand behind President Obama because he is my President. He's everyone's President.
And, four years from now, should another person be elected, I won't be booing Obama out of Washington. Let's see if those people who booed Bush out of Washington today can take a lesson from the right in how to act like a grownup.
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16 years ago
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