I got this audio in an email from a friend yesterday. It's a bit that Howard Stern did where he sent one of his people into Harlem to talk to Obama supporters. I think it says something about where at least some of Obama's supporters are coming from. If it weren't so frightening, it would be funny...
After hearing this audio this morning, I can fully understand why it is that some people will vote for the man. It truly is out of a lack of information. They're angry, they know that the Republicans have the Presidency, and therefore, the problems must be the Republicans' fault. Therefore, they're going to vote for Obama, and anything that is attributed to him must be right. Never mind if it's actually what he believes or not, never mind if it's actually what they believe or not.
I have a couple of coworkers who fall in this category, one of whom told me that Clinton was a great President. When I asked him what Clinton did to make him great, he said, "You didn't get poorer during his administration." I pointed out that for me that has been true of every President since Carter and asked him what Clinton did during his administration to facilitate my not getting poorer. He said that he couldn't tell me because he's never done any research into what Clinton did or didn't do during his Presidency. So, much like the people in the above audio, he had no information to support the view he had.
The second coworker just recently told me that this will be the first time he's going to vote, but he's going to do it because he feels so strongly about this election. Good for him, except he also falls into that uninformed voter category. He spent the next few minutes explaining to me that the reason we need Obama's change is because the economy crashed because Bush spent all of the banks' money on the war.
These people I understand. They are so woefully uninformed that they can't understand what taxes, redistribution of wealth and so forth will mean to them.
The Obama-supporting coworker I can't understand is a trust fund kid. Everyone knows that she comes from a family with money. We all know the lifestyle she lives. We all know that the best salary in her job description at our shop won't pay for one aspect of the life that she lives, much less all of her lifestyle. Yet, she's a very avid liberal and Obama supporter. Do she and people like her not realize that when Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc. talk about taxing the crap out of the wealthiest of Americans, she is who they are talking about? She has to. This is not an uneducated, uninformed woman. She's got a lot on the ball.
I have a theory on why she thinks this way. She's what I call an old-money liberal. She was born into this money. She's never had to work for it. She's always been entitled to it and thinks that everyone should be entitled like she is. The thing that she doesn't appreciate is that someone at some time in her family put in a lot of hard work to achieve the family fortune that she and her siblings now enjoy.
I've been working hard at building a little remodeling business on my days off. I've put in a lot of hard work, a lot of 12 and 14 hour days where I work at remodeling before I go into my regular job. I'm starting to do better and I'm looking at the possibility of hiring a part-time helper next year. Should I be able to continue building this business and want to pass it down to my kid or sell it off and pass the proceeds down to my kid, who are Obama and his ilk to tell me that I and my kid have too much and that they need to confiscate a bunch of it so they can "spread the wealth?"
Where is my incentive to build my little business into anything that could give other people jobs if the SuperLiberals are just going to come, take most of it away and give it to other people? Instead, maybe I should just sit back and wait for them to take someone else's fortune and redistribute it to me.
The problem with Socialism is that as soon as the people figure out that they don't have to do anything to have things handed to them, productivity stops. You may remember a little experiment with that called the USSR. It didn't work out too well.
Going back to yesterday's blog about people who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it, did you know that the original settlers here tried a socialist setup They originally set up their colony that everyone put in everything they produced into one group and then everyone took what they needed out of that. It failed miserably. Once they let people keep the benefits of their hard work and made it so that the harder they worked, the better off they were, they succeeded.
That's what this country has been about since the start. Do we have problems? Sure. Are there areas where we could do better? Certainly, but dismantling the entire system and replacing it with Marxism, which has to date been nothing but a failure, is pure insanity. To quote my best friend (who incendentally is quite liberal), "We have a horrible system of government here. It's slow, it's unfair, and a constant problem. It's the worst system of government on earth except for all the others."
Great Horny Toads! Webber Keeps His Job?
16 years ago
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