I've spent the last few days with some quotes out of history running through my head...
1) "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." -- Karl Marx
2) "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santayana
3) "Be afraid when you are approached by someone who says, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help." --Ronald Reagan
These three quotes just keep going through my head as I watch my country go down what I believe to be a very dangerous road. The dangerous road I see is the road toward socialism. Yes, I believe that Barack Obama is a full-on socialist at the core of his being. That normally wouldn't frighten me, but when you combine it with the fact that the exceptionally liberal members of congress could have a bulletproof majority, it just completely scares me.
First, lets begin with Mr. Obama. We've all heard the "Joe the Plumber" statements where he says he wants to spread the wealth around, but what is being largely ignored is the 2001 radio interview below where he actually says that in the civil rights movement, the court didn't go far enough to address the redistribution of wealth. Yes, he said redistribution of wealth as in the core belief of Mr. Marx listed above. He also lamented the fact that the court didn't break free from the limitations set by the founding fathers in the constitution. Give it a listen and see for yourself.
But you combine that with the libs having the potential of a bulletproof majority in both houses and you get the potential of people like John Kerry being able to push through the new "New Deal" that he says we need. You can read about it in a Boston Herald article. The problem with this as a theory is that if you read up on your history, you would see that the New Deal extended, not ended, the Great Depression. What ended the Great Depression was not the New Deal; it was WWII. Also, for those of you who don't know your history, there are several programs created by the New Deal that are still around today. The three biggest are: Social Security, The Securities and Exchange commission (SEC) and Fannie Mae. That's right, Fannie Mae, one of the biggest causes of the wreckage that is currently our economy was created by the New Deal, which people like John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton want to take us back to. Yes, as Mr. Santayana said, "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
Personally, I wouldn't be so worried about Obama being President if it weren't for the fact that it appears that the people who want bigger and bigger government are going to have a bulletproof majority in both houses of Congress. I also wouldn't be afraid if the liberal folks were to hold a majority in Congress if we had a non-socialist President. Unfortunately if this election goes through as the polls indicate, I see a future of bigger and bigger and bigger government which will be trying to help and as Mr. Reagan said, "Be afraid when you are approached by someone who says, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Great Horny Toads! Webber Keeps His Job?
16 years ago
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