President Obama went off his teleprompter and lashed out at those who are opposing the European Socialist Bill of 2009 according to a Politico article. In that lashing, he let more of his true color show.
At one point in the speech, he openly mocked the GOP for not following through on promises of bipartisanship. This would be the man who answered all of the Republicans' suggestions for the bill with "Hey, I won," right before ignoring them. This would also prove once again that Obama's definition of bipartisan is the Republicans rolling over, abandoning their values and doing what he tells them to.
“When you start hearing arguments, on the cable chatter, just understand a couple of things,” he said. “No. 1, when they say, ‘Well, why are we spending $800 billion [when] we’ve got this huge deficit?’ – first of all, I found this deficit when I showed up, No. 1."
Yes, you did, Mr. President and your answer to finding this deficit was to go out, first thing and try to borrow more money in one month than this country did in its first 200 years of existence. In other words, Mr. President, your answer was to go out and increase that $10 trillion deficit by nearly 10 percent in your first month.
“We were complimented by Republicans saying, ‘This is a balanced package . . . we’re pleasantly surprised,’” he said. “Suddenly, what was a ‘balanced package’ is suddenly out of balance.”
Could it be, Mr. President that the Republicans are listening to what the people are saying? According to Gallup, while 75 percent of Americans think there should be some sort of plan passed, almost 8 out of 10 Americans are concerned the plan would not stimulate the economy quickly enough. Yes, Mr. President, 80 percent of Americans are concerned that this is not the right plan. Perhaps the GOP was listening to the people - a phenomenon most of you in Washington are not familiar with.
And, under the heading of bipartisan, Mr. President, you have members of your own party who are saying that this isn't the right bill.
Once again, if you want to pass a stimulus bill, then pass a stimulus bill. Not a bunch of pork barrel spending. Don't spend the money to catapult us down the road to the European Socialism that even European countries are turning away from. Put the money where it needs to go. Put it toward helping the housing market, put it toward something that would pave the way for jobs outside of government - like tax cuts for the folks who, as you put it when you were trying to sound like Reagan last week, "make things and hire people." You know, those guys who were appearing with you, the business owners.
Mr. President, I know you're unhappy that you may not get all of your socialist policies set up in one fell swoop, but maybe it's time for you to put your partisanship aside and work for the best interest of the people of this country, instead of the best interest of your huge government programs.
Great Horny Toads! Webber Keeps His Job?
16 years ago
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