One of the things that seems to be lost in the shuffle of the trillions of dollars of imaginary money being thrown about is this country's southern border.
I ran across this article about an Arizona rancher who is being sued for $32 million dollars by 16 illegal aliens. They say he violated their civil rights by holding them at gunpoint when he found them trying to enter the country illegally by crossing his ranch.
According to the story, he turned them over to the Border Patrol, but he allegedly yelled at them and kicked one of them while he was detaining them.
There are three things that amaze me out of this story. First would be that the article says he has turned over 12,ooo illegals to Border Patrol since he started patrolling his ranch in 1998. Second is that these people who are not citizens in this country believe they are entitled to the same civil rights that citizens here are. Finally is that a judge seems to agree with them. The judge actually denied a motion to dismiss from the rancher, saying that there was enough evidence to send the matter to trial.
Absolutely amazing. These people who are not citizens here trespass on this man's land and then sue him in courts that they should not be entitled to for protecting himself and his property.
I'm thinking that if the Obama administration wants to build things to stimulate the economy, how about that border fence?
Great Horny Toads! Webber Keeps His Job?
16 years ago
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