Monday, November 24, 2008

I was reading some of the forums on Fox News when I came across one that asked if Obama will be able to fix the economy. One of the early posts was that he wouldn't be able to because Bush and the Republicans made too much of a mess of it.

It just amazes me how uninformed people can be. I'm not going to pretend that Bush and the Republicans were pure as the driven snow because that wouldn't be true, but to act like they were solely responsible for this mess is plain ignorant. To act like the Democrats weren't the main driving force behind the genesis of this problem is ignorant.

Democrats like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and even Barack Obama himself were the ones who pushed for all these subprime loans. The motivation was that everyone should be able to own a house. When Republicans like John McCain started calling for more oversight, they were shouted down with charges of racism. Obama was even listed personally on the lawsuit against Citicorp (who, as of today is getting even more bailout funds) to force them to make more subprime loans. As late as July and August, Frank and Dodd were making speeches in Congress to tell everyone that Fannie and Freddie were in fine shape and there was no more need for oversight.

A simple proof is to look at the hearings that have been held so far regarding this financial crash. Honestly, if the Democrats, who have been running congress for two years, could find even one Republican to hang these problems on, they would have had him pilloried on the steps of Capitol Hill long ago.

And yet, with the major media outlets committing what can only be described as journalistic malpractice, the people remain uninformed. Check out the video below, it's part of a documentary done on how Obama got elected. People waiting to vote for Obama who haven't so much as heard of people like Dodd, Frank, Pelosi and Reed, much less know what their involvement in the financial crash is.

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